Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was established in 1776. The Declaration of Indigenous people and the Declaration of Independence were written over 200 years apart from each other. The Declaration of Indigenous people was very specific about stating the rights of the Indigenous people where as the Declaration of Independence focuses on the heart of the country and how it operates through congress and the people leading the country not necessarily the citizens who are living in the country. However in the amendments of the Constitution starts stating some rights to the individuals such as slavery is prohibited, women are given the right to vote, and anyone of any race or color are given the right to vote. The most important ideas of the Declaration is to establish these rights to have a consistent law that all the Americans can abide by. This Declaration was established to form a more perfect union like it says on the first line. My response to this Declaration is positive because I truly believe it lays down a guideline that the citizens, the president, the leaders of this country, and the whole congressional party follows.

1 comment:

Krystal Reed said...

I really like how you show the contrast between the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. I think both pieces illustrate very different views on how people should be treated. Do you really feel that the Declaration sets a president for how ALL people should be treated and do you think that it is in accordance with the statement "all men are created equal"? I think that in a way the Declaration specifically looks out for the rights of White Males and has since its creation. I like what you said that the "Declaration of Independence focuses on the heart of the country and how it operates through congress and the people leading the country not necessarily the citizens who are living in the country." I think this is true but i also think this is one of the reasons this country has so many problems, you cannot have a good and effective government if you don't focus on the needs of the citizens of that country.